Tune in on Thursday, May 4 from 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. to WSKB 89.5 FM, WCPC cable channel 15, or westfieldtv.org for a brand-new episode of "Superintendent's Spotlight". This week, we will talk with Dr. Thomas Osborn all about our Westfield Virtual School. We will also take some time to recognize "Star Wars Day". Thanks for watching!
over 1 year ago, Westfield Public Schools
Westfield Technical Academy honored 10 students who received their certifications as nursing assistants at a pinning and candle lighting ceremony on April 26. Superintendent Stefan Czaporowski welcomed family and friends, and said CNAs have one of the most important roles in health care, every day improving people’s lives and impacting entire families. https://www.masslive.com/news/2023/04/westfield-technical-academy-honors-grads-of-certified-nursing-assistant-program.html
over 1 year ago, Westfield Public Schools
If you missed "Superintendent's Spotlight" this morning, click on the link below. This week we spoke with Daniel Palotta, Project Manager, about the new construction process for our district's new elementary school. With assistance from our staff and students at Westfield Technical Academy's Culinary Arts Program, we also recognized "National Prime Rib Day". Thanks for watching! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7HNFUVnKQzE
over 1 year ago, Westfield Public Schools
On May 4, 2023, Westfield Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) will hold the 2023 Shining Star Ceremony in Tiger’s Pride at Westfield Technical Academy at 6:30 pm. Nominations for Shining Star recipients are for those educators and support personnel who go the extra mile to serve the Westfield District Schools’ special education community and inspire others to do the same. This Recognition of Excellence in Supporting Special Education is an important way for the community to thank those who through dedication, creativity, patience, and determination help students receiving special education to experience success. The special education department appreciates the hard work and dedication of educators and support personnel for all that they do for our students. We also appreciate all of your support in ensuring that your children succeed
over 1 year ago, Westfield Public Schools
When Christy Roselli, a third-grade teacher at Munger Hill Elementary School, told her students that a local salon and spa wanted to display their art about the Earth, they were over the moon. The images they created for Earth Month in April have been featured at Puffer’s Salon & Day Spa and received rave reviews. “The kids were honored to show their artwork. They felt like celebrities because they were chosen to do this,” said Roselli. Judy Puffer, who owns the salon, reached out to Roselli to see if her students would like to have their Earth Month art shown in the spa. Roselli responded with a resounding yes. Puffer donated the supplies, and the kids went to work using colored pencils, markers, watercolor paint and crayons in a myriad of colors to express green messages. The children created images depicting recycling, walking instead of driving, how to save electricity, reducing garbage and other green messages. The children gave Puffer a sneak peek at the art when she visited their classroom. She was pleased with what she saw and excited to display the images in her salon. “I had each student explain what their poster is about and how they could make a difference. What most impressed me was their depiction of the message, how each of them has their own take on it,” she said. Puffer has had many Earth Month events since she opened her business in 1999, but this is the first time she’s worked with schoolchildren. The project allowed students to express themselves, revealing thoughtful messages about how they would embrace and save the planet. “We talked about this is their planet. They’re the future generation, so it really is everyone’s responsibility to do their part, no matter how small. We talked about picking up even one little piece of trash. If everyone did that, what a difference it would make,” said Roselli. Puffer is amplifying each child’s messages by exposing the pieces to hundreds of her clients. “The artwork is amazing and so cute. I put everything on the wall so guests could enjoy them, and the pieces have brought smiles to so many people,” said Puffer. Puffer thinks the project was a great way to engage children, to get their attention and motivate them to do their part to help the world. Part of their mission now is to carry the message home to their families, enlisting them to take action to benefit the environment. “The children could make a difference by talking with their families about not littering or running water needlessly. I hope they have those conversations, that the message goes a little bit farther than just the classroom, and kids are pretty good about that,” said Puffer. Roselli said the project also sows the seeds of caring for the planet in these students for when they grow to adulthood. “I hope this is something they had fun with and will remember doing when they grow up,” said Roselli. “This is one way we can reach the younger generation because they’re the ones who will inherit the Earth from us.” https://www.thereminder.com/LOCALNEWS/westfield/colorful-posters-made-by-youngsters-share-green-me/
over 1 year ago, Westfield Public Schools
Tune in on Thursday, April 27 from 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. to WSKB 89.5 FM, WCPC cable channel 15, or westfieldtv.org for a brand-new episode of "Superintendent's Spotlight". This week, we will talk with Dan Palotta about our new elementary school construction project. Westfield Technical Academy Culinary Arts students will also helps us to celebrate National Prime Rib Day. Thanks for watching!
over 1 year ago, Westfield Public Schools
Prime Rib
The Healey-Driscoll Administration recently announced the creation of a Youth Climate Council that will advise the Governor and the Office of Climate Innovation and Resilience on climate policy and actions. Interested high school freshmen, sophomores, and juniors can now apply to be part of the council, which will meet regularly with Climate Chief Melissa Hoffer. The deadline to apply is Friday, May 19. https://www.mass.gov/news/governor-healey-climate-chief-hoffer-announce-creation-of-youth-climate-council?utm_source=Commissioner%27s+Weekly+Update&utm_campaign=2e3d06ae0f-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2023_04_24_10_44&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-2e3d06ae0f-%5BLIST_EMAIL_ID%5D
over 1 year ago, Westfield Public Schools
April is Financial Literacy Month! Did you know that all students at Westfield High School, Westfield Technical Academy, and the Westfield Virtual School must take and pass a course in Financial Literacy as a graduation requirement? Mastering personal finance requires more than life hacks—you have to look at your financial situation holistically and come up with a plan for how to manage your money. In this video, we’ll look at helpful principles for six personal finance topics: budgeting, saving, debt, taxes, insurance, and investing for retirement. Click on the link below to watch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vl2sasYSY4E
over 1 year ago, Westfield Public Schools
Over 400 students from schools in the region gathered Friday at Westfield High School to learn the critical importance of managing their finances once they get out on their own. “We’re learning how hard it is to be on your own,” said Marcus Fontanilles, 17, who attends Westfield Technical Academy, about the Credit for Life program in the WHS gymnasium. https://www.masslive.com/westfieldnews/2023/04/teens-get-dose-of-reality-during-personal-finances-fair-at-westfield-high-school.html
over 1 year ago, Westfield Public Schools
Credit for Life
If you missed 'Superintendent's Spotlight" this morning, click on the link below. This week, we talked with Bo Sullivan and Kellie Brown about Spring Break and Summer Programming for children at the Club, and more. We also took time to recognize our 3rd US President on National Thomas Jefferson Day. Thanks for watching! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCiuGx275FY
over 1 year ago, Westfield Public Schools
On Tuesday, April 11, Westfield High School Drama Club director Madison Curbelo was busy getting the cast of “Shrek: The Musical!” together for a dress rehearsal. The cast of 30 were getting into costume and makeup before the arrival of the pit band. Curbelo, a WHS alum weeks away from graduating from the Berklee School of Music, said this will be the first full-length musical that she’s directing. There are 10 full-length songs in the play. https://www.masslive.com/news/2023/04/whs-drama-club-all-warmed-up-for-shrek-the-musical-april-14-16.html
over 1 year ago, Westfield Public Schools
Tune in on Thursday, April 13 from 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. to WSKB 89.5 FM, WCPC cable channel 15, or westfieldtv.org for a brand-new episode of "Superintendent's Spotlight". This week, we will broadcast live on location at the Boys and Girls Club of Greater Westfield with Bo Sullivan and Kellie Brown. We will also spend a little time learning about our 3rd President of the United States. Thanks for watching!
over 1 year ago, Westfield Public Schools
If you missed this week's episode of "Superintendent's Spotlight", click on the link below. Abner Gibbs Kindergarten Teacher Kelley Maher talks about our Kindergarten Home Visiting Program and the students in Westfield Technical Academy's Culinary Arts program introduce us to Fried Twinkies on National Twinkies Day. Thanks for watching! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4ddUKcDC90
over 1 year ago, Westfield Public Schools
During the Westfield School Committee meeting on April 3, Franklin Avenue Elementary School fourth grade teachers Annalise Eak and Jean Brown and their students talked about “zones of regulation,” a social-emotional learning system based on colors that the school has incorporated this year. Eak said the zones are a self-regulation strategy that separates everything students can feel into four colors. She said the strategy is from a professional development training on how to identify emotions, which is the hardest part for students to do, and what to do with those feelings. She said Franklin Avenue has been using the tools successfully with all types of learning for all of the students in the school. https://www.masslive.com/news/2023/04/elementary-students-teach-school-committee-reps-how-to-get-back-in-the-zone.html
over 1 year ago, Westfield Public Schools
On April 4th each year, National School Librarian Day recognizes the professionals who keep the school library in working order. School librarians spend long hours keeping the library organized. They are also dedicated to helping our children find the resources they need to keep learning. School librarians are the people who create an environment where students can learn every day of the year. Their work is an impressive accomplishment. The school librarians provide guidance and expose our youth not only to texts, print media, and literature but to digital resources and technology, too. These resources also connect them to libraries around the world. A school librarian’s ability to manage scores of media and a school full of students with numerous projects and schedules astounds us. Happy National School Librarian Day!
over 1 year ago, Westfield Public Schools
School Librarian Day
Tune in on Thursday, April 6 from 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. to WSKB 89.5 FM, WCPC cable channel 15, or westfieldtv.org for a brand-new episode of "Superintendent's Spotlight". This week, we will talk with Westfield Public Schools staff about our Kindergarten Home Visit Program. We will also celebrate National Twinkies Day with help from Westfield Technical Academy Culinary Arts students. Thanks for watching!
over 1 year ago, Westfield Public Schools
Home Visiting
If you missed Saturday's "Big Spring Sing", click on the link below. Thank you to WCPC's Ken Stomski for recording and editing the video for the show. The students sounded phenomenal! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PnoYX-Znf4
over 1 year ago, Westfield Public Schools
Join us at Westfield High School today at 2:00 p.m. for the Annual Big Spring Sing. Chorus students from Elementary School through High School will be performing for our listening pleasure. Thank you for supporting our students!
over 1 year ago, Westfield Public Schools
Big Spring Sing
Westfield police officers took time out during the day on March 29 to read to first graders in all six elementary schools in the city about their work keeping people safe. Police Lt. Eric Hall, who runs the community services unit, reached out to the School Department several months ago about having the officers come in. https://www.masslive.com/westfieldnews/2023/03/police-officers-read-about-safety-to-first-graders-at-westfield-schools.html
over 1 year ago, Westfield Public Schools
If you missed the latest episode of "Superintendent's Spotlight" this morning, click on the link below. This week, we talked with WPS Community Outreach Coordinator Lesley Lambert about upcoming events, including the WPS Student Art Display at the Westfield Athenaeum in April, Credit for Life on April 14, and the return of Into the Arts on April 28 and 29. The WTA Culinary Arts Department also helped us celebrate National Turkey Neck Soup Day. Thanks for watching! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJJ85eJJI74
over 1 year ago, Westfield Public Schools