AEW 2023

Dear Westfield Families,

I hope you enjoyed the long weekend and the observance of Veteran’s Day, honoring those who have protected our country and preserved the freedoms we enjoy every day.

This week is American Education Week, in which we honor the team of people who work in our nation’s public schools, everyone from the bus driver and classroom teacher to the cafeteria worker and administrative staff, plus countless others.  We are incredibly fortunate to have such outstanding staff members in the Westfield Public Schools who make a daily difference in our students’ lives.  On my trips to classrooms in our schools, I see the work that our staff do and know that our students are in great hands.

As one way to celebrate our staff during this week, I encourage you to reach out directly to the staff members who have made a difference in your children’s lives.  Your words will honor those staff members’ dedication to their work and the children in the city of Westfield.  I appreciate the support that families offer to our staff, and this is another way for staff to see their impact.


Stefan Czaporowski

Superintendent of Schools