From the Desk of Superintendent Czaporowski

August 24, 2022

Dear WPS families,

Hello! It is my sincere hope that you and your family had a wonderful summer. I can tell that our staff is very much looking forward to greeting all students on the first day of school. We also want to extend our appreciation for your continued partnership with Westfield Public Schools.

As we approach the opening of the 2022-2023 school year, I want to let you know about a few important dates. 

  • Schools open for students in grades 1-12 on Tuesday, August 30.
  • The first day of school for Kindergarten and Preschool is Tuesday, September 6. 
  • The last day of school is currently June 14 if we do not use any emergency closure days.

The 2022-2023 school year calendar is attached to this email for your convenience. 

Our building leadership team has evolved over the summer.  Please join me in welcoming:

Gregory Miller – Principal, Westfield Intermediate School

Jennifer Chapin – Interim Principal, Westfield Middle School

Alexandra Clines – Principal, Munger Hill Elementary School

Erika Masciadrelli – Principal, Abner Gibbs Elementary School (October 3)

Tonia Bonner – Assistant Principal, Westfield High School

Andrew Joseph – Interim Assistant Principal, Westfield High School

Bruce Hastings – Assistant Principal, Westfield Technical Academy

Rena Piper – Assistant Principal, Westfield Intermediate School

Shawn Czuchra – Assistant Principal, Westfield Intermediate School

Tammy Ward – Assistant Principal, Southampton Road Elementary School

Tori Jennings – Interim Assistant Principal, Paper Mill Elementary School

Greg Vouros, Supervisor of PE, Athletics, and Intramurals (Athletic Director)

Anna Antropova, Supervisor of the English Learner Program

This school year, our district will continue to focus on relationships, relevance, and rigor.  We believe strong relationships with our stakeholders leads to increased student success.  We are also focusing on making learning relevant to students by emphasizing real world experiences and increasing career and college activities.   In addition to offering professional development for staff on rigorous curriculum design, we have also expanded early college opportunities, job shadows, internships, and cooperative education placements for students.

Unfortunately, COVID is likely to be a consideration again this school year.  However, the Center for Disease Control, Massachusetts Department of Public Health, and the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education have relaxed some of their requirements and guidance.  Attached you will find the COVID protocols for WPS for this school year.  Please contact our Administrator of Student Interventions and Safety, Christopher Rogers, at with questions or concerns.  

Bussing information was sent out to parents last week.  If you did not receive this mailing, contact our Transportation Office at (413) 572-6599.  Student schedules are also available.  If you did not receive or cannot access your child’s schedule, please contact their school.  I am also pleased to announce that breakfast and lunch for students will be provided at no cost again at all schools.  For more information, please call our Food Services Department at (413) 572-6493. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter.  Finally, do not hesitate to reach out to our Central Office at (413) 572-6403 if we can be of any assistance.  I look forward to welcoming our students back for another exciting school year.  Best wishes to your family on a successful and rewarding year ahead.


Stefan Czaporowski

Superintendent of Schools

Westfield Public Schools